Written By arsamob on Thursday, January 4, 2018 | 2:08 AM

In 2018, various exciting game titles will be coming soon to be played on various consoles and PCs.
The presence of consoles such as Nintendo Switch and Xbox One X and Zelda caliber games: Breath of the Wild make 2017 a very good year for the gaming world.
This record also became a strong foundation in facing 2018, which is also no less in presenting game titles for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, to PC.
Here are 15 exciting game titles that have been confirmed to appear in 2018

1. Anthem

Anthem is an action game game made by BioWare, a developer who is also responsible for Mass Effect and Dragon Age: Inquisition in collaboration with Electronic Arts. This RPG game can be played by up to four players.
Later, the players will play the role of Freelancer, one of a group of individuals who left their settlements for adventure in the wild. One stock that they will use in the adventure is a special outfit called Javelin.
Release: 4th Quarter 2018
Platform: PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC

2. Marvel’s Spiderman

Game made by Insomniac Games presents Peter Parker who will deal with enemies such as Wilson Fisk (Kingpin) and Inner Demons. Famous characters such as Mary Jane Watson and Mile Morales were included in this Marvel's Spiderman.
Later, Spider-Man will face Wilson Fisk first before the emergence of a gang named Inner Demons, who took over the area of ​​power from Fisk. In addition, Mary Jane Watson is rumored to be playing an important role in Marvel's Spiderman storyline.
Release: Quarter I or II 2018
Platform: PlayStation 4

3. Far Cry 5

Taking a backdrop in rural Montana, USA, Far Cry 5 will challenge his players to thwart an evil plan entitled The Project at Eden's Gate led by Josep Seed.
To display realistic images, the developers team from Far Cry 5, Ubisoft Montreal, visited Montana for two weeks with the aim of collecting data based on every aspect of the neighborhood.
Release: 1st Quarter of 2018
Platform: PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC

4. Sea of Thieves

game collaboration between Rare with Microsoft Studios, the players will be challenged to build a reputation as a legendary pirate through the interaction made by other treasure hunters to magicians.
Indeed, the game with multiplayer mode is planned to be released a year after the announcement by Microsoft in June 2015. Unfortunately, they had to postpone it until the 2018 Quarter due to some technical things that happen.
Release: 1st Quarter of 2018
Platform: Xbox One and PC

5. Detroit: Become Human

Quantic Dream, a developer who also gushes titles like Beyond Two Souls and Heavy Rain features an Android named Kara who lives with his father, Todd, and his daughter Alice.
In addition, there will be characters named Connor and Markus, who will each play the role of the antagonist and protagonist.
One of the highlights of Detroit: Become Human is, the player must make decisions throughout the game that will direct the story of his choice.
Release: Quarter I or II 2018
Platform: PlayStation 4

6. Metro: Exodus

Metro: Exodus is a horror genre game that requires players to save themselves from creatures and ferocious monsters. This game itself was inspired by Dmitry Glukhovsky's novel entitled Metro 2035.
The collaboration game of 4A Games and Deep Silver will take place in Russia, with conditions that have been dormant and creepy due to the disaster that hit it. Then, players will be challenged to face creatures affected by the disaster.
Release: 4th Quarter 2018
Platform: PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC

7. Shenmue III

Shenmue became the game with the greatest funding in history from Kickstarter. Shenmue III's Creator Yu Suzuki chose Ryo Hazuki's adventures story in search of his father's killer in China in the 1980s, Lan Di, the core of the story.
Later, Ryo Hazuki will travel from Yokosuka, Japan, to a mountain range in Guilin, China. Furthermore, he will be accompanied by Ling Shenhua, to defeat Lan Di, as well as a new antagonist named Niao Sun.
Release: 4th Quarter 2018
Platform: PlayStation 4 and PC

8. Monster Hunter: World

Capcom's latest release of the Monster Hunter series will return the game to the PS and Xbox consoles, after languishing with Nintendo in 2015 and 2016.
Based on some reviews, Monster Hunter: World puts the convenience and ease of playing, especially for new players who try it for the first time.
One thing that distinguishes this game with the four previous series titles of the Monster Hunter franchise is a feature that allows for players in multiplayer online play.
Release: 1st Quarter of 2018
Platform: PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC

9. Red Dead Redemption 2

Game adventure world-style west of Rockstar is finally resurfaced. Carrying the concept of prequel from the previous series released last 2010, Red Dead Redemption 2 will present Arthur Morgan, a member of the gang Van der Linde, as the main character. 
In addition, later this game will bring a new multiplayer online experience, so that not only can be played in single-player. 
Red Dead Redemption 2 itself was nominated for 'Most Anticipated Game' at The Game Award in 2016 and 2017. 
Release: Q2 2018
Platform: PlayStation 4 and Xbox One

10. God of War

After five years, Kratos finally returned. This time with his son named Atreus. Later, the core story of God of War will tell Kratos struggle in protecting Atreus, as well as a mentor of his son.
The new God of War will be the eighth series of the game franchise, as well as the sequel to God of War III released in 2010.
No wonder if the story in this game is a continuation of the previous series when Kratos was living the life as a human being in the world of the Gods. 
Release: 1st Quarter of 2018
Platform: PlayStation 4

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